Listen to the podcast interview with Dr Michael Kitson
This interview was recorded in November 2009 in London at the conference Making an Impact - Universities and the Regional Economy
Dr Michael Kitson, University of Cambridge
Michael Kitson is University Senior Lecturer in global macroeconomics at the Judge Business School, Cambridge; Hub Director of the UK- Innovation Research Centre; Director of the Programme on Regional Innovation at the Cambridge-MIT Institute; Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge; and Research Associate of the Centre for Business Research, Cambridge. His research interests include: economic policy, regional economics, corporate performance, innovation, technology transfer and the commercialisation of science. His publications include the The Political Economy of Competitiveness (with Jonathan Michie) and articles in the Economic Journal, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Economic History Review, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy, Bulletin of Economic Research, Regional Studies and Urban Studies. He has undertaken major research projects for the former UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
; the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA); the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. He has also provided evidence as an expert witness for the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s enquiry into globalisation. His current work in concerned with assessing the factors that drive regional competitiveness and innovation and he is currently directing a research project on the impact of universities on regional economies which is part of the Impact of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Economies Initiative.