Impact of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Economies: A Joint Research Initiative
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Impact Initiative Podcast Series
Sir Alan Langlands
Dr Paul Benneworth
Professor Jeremy Howells
Professor Peter McGregor
Professor Robert Huggins
Dr Michael Kitson
Professor Walter McMahon
Professor Philip McCann
Initiative Vodcasts
Dr Paul Benneworth
Professor Paul Boyle
Professor Philip Gummett
Professor Alan Hughes
Ursula Kelly
Michael Kitson
John McClelland
Professor Jim McDonald
Professor Walter McMahon
Professor Moira Munro
David Owen
Andrea Cocchi
Daniel Procop
James Carey
Stage One Networks
Initiative Coordination
Research Themes
Knowledge Exchange with Business
Students & Graduates
Regional Competitiveness
Community Engagement
Economic Impact Modelling
Universities and community engagement
Project Outputs
Higher education and regional transformation
Students as catalysts
Graduate flows and innovative capacity of Cities
HEI Knowledge and regional competitiveness
Project Outputs
Impact of research and Innovation networks
University-Industry Knowledge Exchange
Project Outputs
Investigating business-university innovation
Project Outputs
Overall Impact of HEIs on regional economies
Project Outputs
2011 Events
28/03/11 The Myth of the Ivory Tower (London)
09/03/11 Impact of Higher Education (Cardiff)
11/02/11 HE Impact Workshop (Glasgow)
02/02/11 Higher Education and Growth (Belfast)
2010 Events
16-17/11/10 Final UK-wide Conference (Edinburgh)
Poster Presentations November 2010
27/04/10 Public Lecture: Professor Walter McMahon
06/10/10 Universities & Economic Renewal (Cardiff)
12/03/10 People, Places & Prosperity (Sheffield)
2009 Events
04/11/09 - London
30/06/09 - Glasgow
10/03/09 - Edinburgh
28/01/09 - Belfast
Belfast Presentations and Audio Recordings
2008 Events
17/06/08 - Cardiff
2007 Events
10/10/07 - Glasgow
Presentations & Publications
Discussion Papers
2010 Other Conference Presentations
12th March 2010 - Fesitval of Social Science
4th Nov 09 London Initiative Conference
30th June 2009 Glasgow Initiative Seminar
10th March 09 Edinburgh Festival of Social Science
28th January 2009 Belfast Initiative Conference
17th June 2008 Cardiff Initiative Conference
10th Oct 2007 Glasgow Initiative Launch
ESRA 08 Presentations
Research Brief Series
2008 Other Conference presentations
ERSA 08 Presentations
Early Career Researcher Posters
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