Impact of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Economies: A Joint Research Initiative



Prof J Howells
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 Listen to the podcast interview with Professor Jeremy Howells, of the University of Manchester 

This interview was  recorded  in November 2009  in London at the conference Making an Impact - Universities and the Regional Economy)

Biographical Details:

Jeremy Howells, BSc, PhD is Professor and Executive Director of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR) and Head of the Innovation Management and Policy (IMP) Division at Manchester Business School in the University of Manchester. He has written co-authored and edited nine books on research and innovation. He has also published over two hundred papers and reports on R & D, innovation and technoclogy transfer. In addition to research for the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; togther with the LINK programme), his other main research projects have been funded by the OECD, the European Science Foundation, the European Commission, UNCTAD and UNIDO. He has also worked on more specific management and development studies funded by a range of public and private sector interests. These include studies for the UK Department of Trade and Industry, the HM Treasury, the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Trade, Industry Canada, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Heath and Welfare, regional development agencies and local authorities, in addition to those undertaken for major international companies.


Note: Jeremy Howells moved in 2010 to take up  the post of Dean of the Business School at the University of Southampton